06 January 2017

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Revolutionise the way you handle subscribers with PSC

The Publishing Software Company often known as PSC has recently launched new features to revolutionise the way you handle subscribers.
Your website can now link to PSC so that subscribers can sign up online and then these are seamlessly entered into your database and added to the dispatch file.

Subscription Manager provides you with complete control over your subscriptions. You are able to easily renew subscriptions, automatically renew, monitor and record payments and easily track your liability. You are able to quickly send renewal letters and lapsed letters.

There are built in reports in the system so you can keep up to date with the latest information. There is also a report writer so you are able to write bespoke reports if there is something unique you are looking for.

The software can help you grow your business with no extra effort just simply by giving you control over every aspect and streamlining the processes you already have in place.

You can choose if you would like the software available locally or hosted in the cloud which allows users complete flexibility by giving them to access the system from anywhere in the world 24/7. Regular upgrades to the system are run throughout the year, both to bug-fix and to add new functionality.

From beginning to end, the onboarding process is usually measured in days and weeks rather than months. We charge a one-off fee for installation, which includes data migration, setup and training. We ensure that you have no downtime and as soon as the system is installed it’s ready to start being used. Moving from one system to another always involves a bit of upheaval, but we’re good at hand-holding! At PSC, we’re very proud of our customer service. We guarantee that there will always be someone available to take your call during business hours and 99.9% of support calls are resolved on the first call.