Exhibition Manager

Adaptable event management & exhibition system


With Exhibition Manager, you will:

  • Streamline account management
  • Control your event
  • Increase cashflow
  • Manage capacity
  • Calculate yield


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Developed with our exhibition clients in mind, Exhibition Manager streamlines your exhibition or event sales process, from start to finish, so each event becomes more profitable.

Exhibition Manager has been developed off the success of our Advertising Manager system and tailored to the Exhibition and Event sales and management sector.

Providing visibility over your event, sales progress, client communication and accounts, in one convenient place, Exhibition Manager aims to help you increase your sales, improve your efficiency, and ultimately increase your cashflow.

- Visibility over entire event – by stand number, space, location, delegate or table.

- Manage rate schedules, and easily calculate additional costs/delegates/seats/tables and catalogues/show guides.

- Integrates with Contacts Manager for greater flexibility for managing prospects, exhibitors, and their bookings.

- Integrates with Account Manager for increased cashflow, financial projections, analysis and reporting.

How Exhibition Manager gives you visibility over sales, capacity and cashflow

Sales & Booking system tailored to improve Exhibition and Event revenue
  • Live dashboard of KPIs to keep sales on track and pipelines flowing
  • Inventory capacity at a glance – across stand number, space, location, delegate or table
  • Intuitive booking system to manage exhibition/event sales and repeat bookings

    - Capacity management

    - Booking renewal tracking

    - Automated booking confirmations

  • Placing an order and sending confirmation takes less than a minute!
Customer communication is easier with dynamic CRM, Contacts Manager
  • Interactive database tailored to the Exhibition and Event sales industry
  • Everything you need to keep sales teams selling and customers up to date!
  • Dynamic CRM for improved customer communication

    - Timeline of all customer communications including email

    - Mass mailing via email and SMS for promotions and alerts

    - Email integration with Adestra and Mailchimp

  • Full search facility for customers and contacts

    - Create notes, actions and tasks against customers and prospects

    - Notifications of important events

Integrate Accounts Manager module with standard accounting programmes
  • Runs alongside your accounting system for detailed analysis

    - Choose from 250 reports or tailor your own and automate as needed

    - Export invoices & reports to external accounting system

    - Integration with Sage, Pegasus, Exchequer, Xero, MYOB, Open Accounts, Quickbooks, and Creditsafe

  • Manage inventory capacity and yields

    - Lock invoicing and order phases

    - Automated and batch invoicing

  • Intuitive booking system to manage exhibition/event sales and repeat bookings

    - Capacity management

    - Booking renewal tracking

    - Automated booking confirmations

  • Booking analysis reporting

    - Identifies discounts, revenue and yields by sales person, client…

Hear from publishing companies who are benefiting from our systems

We have been delighted with the PSC system which has proven to be extremely reliable and most useful, I could not do without it now!

Furthermore the help and technical support provided from installation to the present time has been outstanding, I have found there is always someone at hand to deal with my queries at any time.

Terry Stafford - TLM

We moved from using a combination of Excel spreadsheets and Sage Accounts into using PSC for all our invoicing and this has saved a huge amount of inputting with the potential for errors etc.

A simple output of two CSV files each time we run batches of invoices means that Sage can be brought swiftly up-to-date, saving much time and improving accuracy.

Brian Whitehead - Arts Professional

Since using PSC we are able to manage everything from one location, I can see all of the sales prospects, customers and activity.

It allows me to keep better track of everything that is going on and much easier than before. The time spent on the accounts has been significantly reduced because we can now link to Sage rather than transcribing everything into Sage

Craig Lewis - Stream Publishing Ltd

I chose PSC’s Advertising Manager, to bring the magazine and online advertising bookings, invoicing and production, into one central location.

Unlike some other advertising software solutions I’d considered at the time, the PSC ‘package’ was uncomplicated, user friendly and the unlimited telephone, email and remote support from PSC’s very friendly and dedicated support team was invaluable at the setup.

Julian Oiller - Slimming World

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