Cedar Communications Ltd

Cedar Communications Ltd

Emma Terry, Working Capital Manager

PSC meets all our needs.

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“PSC meets all our needs.”

Prior to beginning our journey with PSC, we did not have a computerised system in place. We have been a customer of PSC for around the last 20 years, the system has been invaluable in this time.

Having PSC implemented within Cedar has really benefited our business, as our Credit Manager can have live access to all bookings at any time and have final control over bookings being placed. The data is readily available and easily at our finger tips for us to access whenever we need to.

A really useful tool within PSC is being able to access full client account history so that I am able to keep up to date and generate invoices and statements. I am also able to control the bookings being added.

PSC is very easy to use and easy to navigate, however, it holds a comprehensive amount of data which means we can document client details, ad booking details and much more. This data can also be reported on in many different ways.

If you are looking for a user-friendly system, then PSC is for you. Cedar Communications have now been a customer for 20 years and found it meets all our needs.

PSC meets all our needs.

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