Arts Intelligence Limited

Arts Intelligence Limited

Brian Whitehead, Director

PSC is extremely easy to use.

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Prior to PSC, we used a system of Excel spreadsheets and Sage Accounts. Whilst these did not cause problems as such, they were time consuming and errors in data entry and double-entry were an issue. The main reason for switching to PSC initially was the way we were able to configure it to work with our online and print services directory, synchronising entries between the website and PSC, sending out listing renewals to our clients and invoicing them as they confirmed their renewals. We were unable to manage this effectively prior to the installation of PSC.

We moved from using a combination of Excel spreadsheets and Sage Accounts into using PSC for all our invoicing and this has saved a huge amount of inputting with the potential for errors etc. A simple output of two CSV files each time we run batches of invoices means that Sage can be brought swiftly up-to-date, saving much time and improving accuracy. Additionally, the fact relatively junior staff can complete this exercise means that tasks can be spread around the team effectively. The production process management has also proved useful when we have had large volumes of advertising to deal with, all at different stages of completion.

We have found PSC extremely easy to use. With only rudimentary training required at the outset we have been able to use the system in reasonably sophisticated ways including the management of a twice-yearly listings directory which had an online component and required synchronising.

There is always someone on hand to give whatever support or advice, training, etc. is required. Even when a query cannot be immediately answered, we have never waited more than a few minutes to receive a call-back or email responding to any enquiry. Additionally, value is always added to any interaction: a problem is fixed or some instant training delivered, and before the end of the call, we will have been offered some additional, often unrelated, tip or advice on some aspect of PSC which had not specifically been sought. A great way to both seek product feedback from clients and for clients to develop their skills and ideas. Laurence has always been hugely supportive (often with practical assistance) of our small business as we have gone through the typical ups and downs of a micro enterprise.

The system seems to be highly reliable – as is the support. It is very stable, hence support calls are rare and more often than not, related to an error we have made, or some training required or lack of knowledge on our part.

PSC is extremely easy to use.

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