From magazines, parish circulars, council publications and show guides, to customer, international and in-flight magazines.

Sell and manage advertising, subscriptions, exhibitions and event space. Whatever your space, let us help you maximise it.

30+ years’ experience in the publishing industry has been applied to developing the right system for you to manage your advertising, subscriptions and exhibition sales.

The entire process has been streamlined from beginning to end, with integrated modules, to help improve your efficiency as a business, increase your revenue and unlock your growth potential.

let us help you

End-to-end management of your sales, bookings, customers, production, accounts and reporting…


For all your online & offline Ad space.

Learn more


Subscriber & Circulation Management.

Learn more


Inventory clarity by Stand, Location, Delegates & Tables.

Learn more

Increase Visibility

Avoid missed opportunities. See sold & unsold ad space, event space or subscription inventory - at a glance.

Enhance Communication

Customer notes, contacts, schedules, and renewals in one convenient, central CRM - integrated with invoicing.

Increase Sales

Pipeline management, sales forecasting, analysis & reporting - integrated with your stock.

Streamline Production

Share production schedules, flat plans, copy reminders, with sales, design & production to keep issues on track.

Improve Cashflow

Accounts module integrates with top accounting packages, for invoicing, forecasting, reporting & more.


Book your free demo with a super hero!*

*Aka - an actual human!


How do you know if this is the right system to help grow your sales revenue?

Here’s what you can expect when you contact us...


Book a demo

We’ll happily show you how the system works - and discuss the best way for it to work for you.


Select your module

Identifying the modules you need to optimise your processes and maximise your sales is easy and following this, we’ll provide you with a proposal.


Let’s get you set up

Once you’ve decided to go ahead, you get direct system access, either in the cloud or on your own server.


Training kick-off

We’ll arrange a convenient time with you to train up your teams to use the system and get started!


24/7 support

We’re always here to provide support when you need it - and we promise you’ll always speak to a human!


Training kick-off

We’ll arrange a convenient time with you to train up your teams to use the system and get started!

Support Guarantee

How Advertising, Subscription and Exhibition Managers can help increase sales and revenue for you

Gain a clearer financial overview from day ONE
  • Complete visibility over your sales and stock - sold and unsold
  • Quick access to customer details and bookings, to stay on top of prospects and manage changes
  • Convenient integrated bookings, renewals and invoicing
  • Accounts management which connects with sales analysis and reporting
Seamless sales and accounts integration to help improve cashflow
  • Highlights unsold capacity - no missed ad space or unsold stands
  • Flags bookings for invoicing
  • Invoices can be sent out to clients as space is confirmed or an entire issue’s worth of invoices can be raised at the press of a button - and emailed straight to clients
  • Automatically update accounts programmes as sales come in - no space left unsold and no invoices left unsent
Access accounts, sales, production and customer management, in one place
  • All the information you need in one place for Accounts, Sales, Flatplan, Management
  • No need to manage multiple programmes/systems
  • Placing an order and sending confirmation takes less than a minute
  • Production can create and amend flat plans for everyone to view and work from
Outstanding support from real humans!
  • Fed up with automated support systems? So are we!
  • Constant improvement is our ethos and our clients value being able to quickly pick up the phone for an answer if you have an issue
  • 95%+ support calls are completed on the first call

Hear from publishing companies who are benefitting from our systems

We have been delighted with the PSC system which has proven to be extremely reliable and most useful, I could not do without it now!

Furthermore the help and technical support provided from installation to the present time has been outstanding, I have found there is always someone at hand to deal with my queries at any time.

Terry Stafford - TLM

We moved from using a combination of Excel spreadsheets and Sage Accounts into using PSC for all our invoicing and this has saved a huge amount of inputting with the potential for errors etc.

A simple output of two CSV files each time we run batches of invoices means that Sage can be brought swiftly up-to-date, saving much time and improving accuracy.

Brian Whitehead - Arts Professional

Since using PSC we are able to manage everything from one location, I can see all of the sales prospects, customers and activity.

It allows me to keep better track of everything that is going on and much easier than before. The time spent on the accounts has been significantly reduced because we can now link to Sage rather than transcribing everything into Sage

Craig Lewis - Stream Publishing Ltd

I chose PSC’s Advertising Manager, to bring the magazine and online advertising bookings, invoicing and production, into one central location.

Unlike some other advertising software solutions I’d considered at the time, the PSC ‘package’ was uncomplicated, user friendly and the unlimited telephone, email and remote support from PSC’s very friendly and dedicated support team was invaluable at the setup.

Julian Oiller - Slimming World

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